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BC doch noch dieses Jahr??

Verfasst: Di, 26. Sep 2006, 15:55
von odie5

Verfasst: Di, 26. Sep 2006, 19:25
von Zar
weihnachtsgeschäft halt...

Verfasst: Do, 19. Okt 2006, 10:52
von Sneedy

Verfasst: Fr, 20. Okt 2006, 15:51
von Korie
bald isses soweit B)

Verfasst: Di, 24. Okt 2006, 10:15
von Nighthoof
"Wir werden den Veröffentlichungstermin von World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade um einige Wochen verschieben, um den Teilnehmern des geschlossenen Beta-Tests mehr Zeit zu gewähren, uns wichtiges Feedback to geben. Dadurch haben wir die Möglichkeit, den Spieleinhalten den nötigen Feinschliff zu geben, um unseren Erwartungen und denen der Spieler gerecht zu werden."


damit hätte sich das doch erledigt ^^

Verfasst: Di, 24. Okt 2006, 10:44
von Cheops
Interessante Umschreibung von "wir schaffen's dieses Jahr nicht das Spiel fertig zu stellen"

Verfasst: Di, 24. Okt 2006, 13:26
von Nighthoof
"IRVINE, Calif. -- Blizzard Entertainment® today announced that the release date for World of Warcraft®: The Burning Crusade™, the highly anticipated expansion for World of Warcraft, will be in January 2007. By adding a few extra weeks to the development cycle beyond its original target date, Blizzard will be able to extend the closed beta test and further refine the new content that will ship with the game.

“We appreciate the enthusiasm surrounding World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, and we’re excited about putting the finishing touches on all of the new content,” said Mike Morhaime, president and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “We feel confident that the extra time spent polishing the game will result in the high-quality experience that our players expect and deserve.”

Blizzard began the closed-beta phase of testing on World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade earlier this month. The January 2007 release window will allow extra time for current beta testers to participate in the final stages of development and continue providing valuable feedback.

Further information on specific worldwide release dates, pricing, and other details will be announced in the near future."

hier nochmal der obernewsposter eyonix in feinstem blau im Forum...

also abwarten bis januar...

Verfasst: Di, 24. Okt 2006, 15:55
von Korie
IRVINE, Calif. -- Blizzard Entertainment® today announced that the release date for World of Warcraft®: The Burning Crusade™, the highly anticipated expansion for World of Warcraft, will be in January 2007. By adding a few extra weeks to the development cycle beyond its original target date, Blizzard will be able to extend the closed beta test and further refine the new content that will ship with the game.

“We appreciate the enthusiasm surrounding World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, and we’re excited about putting the finishing touches on all of the new content,” said Mike Morhaime, president and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “We feel confident that the extra time spent polishing the game will result in the high-quality experience that our players expect and deserve.”

Blizzard began the closed-beta phase of testing on World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade earlier this month. The January 2007 release window will allow extra time for current beta testers to participate in the final stages of development and continue providing valuable feedback.

Further information on specific worldwide release dates, pricing, and other details will be announced in the near future."

Jetzt isses blau Nighty!!!

Verfasst: Mi, 25. Okt 2006, 10:11
von Nighthoof
F&U -

bin ich von Blizzard?

darf doch garnicht blau posten ^^

Verfasst: Mi, 25. Okt 2006, 12:12
von Zar
ausserdem kann man das eh nur schlecht lesen