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WoW Namensgebung

Verfasst: Do, 23. Sep 2004, 20:20
von Zar
Wie man hier nachlesen kann, achtet Blizzard bei WoW sehr auf die Namensgebung der Charaktere...

ein besonders interessanter ausschnitt:
Immersion-Breaking (frei übersetzt: die illusionswelt zerstörend)
We have gone to great lengths to ensure that your experience in the world of Azeroth is as enjoyable and immersive as possible. However, this immersion can be quickly broken when you see the stately Tauren Hunter named “IOwnsU” or the imposing Night Elf Druid “ErnestBorgnine.” In an attempt to maintain the suspension of disbelief, we will be disallowing the following types of names from World of Warcraft.
The following five categories are all considered “Immersion-Breaking”:
Partial or Complete Sentences

This category includes names which:
• Are not fantasy-based and consist of multiple words strung together
• Examples: “Inyourface”, “Welovebeef”, “Howareyou”

If a player is found to have such a name, he/she will:
• Be prompted to select a new name
• Be given a warning

Pure Gibberish
This category includes names which:
• Consist of a string of letters which do not produce a pronounceable name
• Examples: “Asdfasdf”, “Jjxccm”, “Hvlldrm”

If a player is found to have such a name, he/she will:
• Be prompted to select a new name
• Be given a warning

References to Pop Culture Icons or Personas
This category includes names which:
• Are references, both clear and masked, to well known people or characters
• Examples: “Britneyspears”, “Austinpowers”, “Batman”

If a player is found to have such a name, he/she will:
• Be prompted to select a new name
• Be given a warning

Contain “Leet” or “Dudespeak”
This category includes names which:
• Consist of language existent only in online communication
• Examples: “Roflcopter”(<- lol!), “xxnewbxx”, “Roxxoryou”

If a player is found to have such a name, he/she will:
• Be prompted to select a new name
• Be given a warning

Fantasy titles should be earned trough the mechanics of the game, and should not be recreated through character naming. This category includes names which:
• Consist of any title prefix or suffix attached to a characters name be it fantasy-based or not
• Examples: “KingMike”, “ErictheBrave”, “PresidentSanchez”

If a player is found to have such a name, he/she will:
• Be prompted to select a new name
• Be given a warning

Verfasst: Do, 23. Sep 2004, 23:41
von Hurricane
rofl !!!! das nen ich mal bürokratie

Verfasst: Fr, 24. Sep 2004, 15:17
von Carnifex
Einfach mal testen, wirst ja nicht gebannt, sondern wirst nur aufgefordert zum Namenswechsel.

Verfasst: Fr, 24. Sep 2004, 19:52
von hellusw
son kack